Dr. Ben is a family physician in Snellville, Georgia. A native of Indonesia, Ben's family is of Chinese/Indonesian descent. His ancestors emigrated from China to Indonesia as merchants. His parents came to faith in God as a result of the witness of Indonesian missionaries. Ben's father, Titus, went on to help establish numerous churches around Jakarta. That godly heritage was passed on to their children.
From an early age, Ben has had a great love for world missions. He has led medical missionary efforts across Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and South America and has assisted in raising funds for medical, educational and other services to families and orphanages in Asia and elsewhere. When not practicing medicine, Ben enjoys planning mission trips and serving in his local church. Ben has four children, Michelle, Travis, Scott, and Jillian, and eight grandchildren.
Rob has been a vocational pastor since his early 20's. Rob trusted God at the age of 15, after seeing the change in his parent's lives when they came to faith. Rob devoted his life to the ministry at age 18, and has been a licensed, ordained minister since 1988. A graduate of Georgia State University and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Rob has served as a youth pastor, children's pastor, and teaching pastor at several churches over the years. Currently a writer for motorcycle magazines and a history teacher at Dacula Classical Academy, Rob still has a great love for seeing children and young people come to faith in God and be grounded in His Word. Rob has helped lead mission and church-planting efforts in Romania, Russia and Indonesia.
Rob is married to Lisa, who also serves as the 127 Legacy bookkeeper and auction coordinator. They have two grown daughters, Ansley and Kelsey.
As Dr. Ben's oldest daughter, Michelle grew up with a passion for people and for the nations herself. Michelle has been involved in ministry and teaching in churches, campus ministries, and schools, for all ages -- preschool up through adult women. She has helped lead mission teams to Alaska, Mexico, and England, and has served on teams throughout South America, the Middle East, and Asia. Michelle holds a Bachelors in Communication Studies from Furman University, as well as a Masters in Christian Education/Masters in Ministry-Based Evangelism from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Michelle is married to Greg, and she currently is a stay-at-home mom to their two daughters, Hannah & Madeline, while also serving in their local church through various ministries.
Greg has extensive experience in family and counseling ministry, as well as in collegiate ministry. He has a Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Arkansas, as well as a Masters in Christian Education and Masters in Family and Marriage Counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Greg is a licensed professional counselor in the state of Texas, and he currently serves as the Associate Minister of Counseling Services at the Julianna Poor Memorial Counseling Center at Houston's First Baptist Church in Houston, TX. He has traveled throughout eastern Europe, the Middle East, and across Asia on a variety of mission efforts. Greg is married to Michelle, and they have two daughters, Hannah & Madeline.
Jeanne has a great love for children and missions. She has worked as a preschool teacher, Assistant Director, and Director for the past 27 years. She is co-author of a series of ten PreK - Kindergarten textbooks and has conducted preschool teacher training classes for the Georgia Preschool Association. Jeanne has served as the leader of Journey children’s program, on local missions with Refugee Beads and has been on multiple short-term trips to Russia and Indonesia. Jeanne spent a month in Indonesia conducting trainings in several cities in the summer of 2015. Jeanne is married to Terry, who himself has also helped lead mission trips all over the world and currently helps plans the yearly trips for 127. They have two grown children, Lori and Joshua, and five grandchildren.